Preparing for General Question & Answer or Rainbow Bridge Sessions

When booking the communication please start making a list of questions that you would like to ask the animal. Think of it as an interview with the animal – you can ask open ended questions or direct questions, you can even ask questions or advice about any personal matters for insight and advice as well (Nothing is off limits, I do not judge, and have had many parents that have really appreciated the input of life decisions). The questions are asked one at a time during the communication, once the question is answered you can ask the next.  Where you would like for the animal to elaborate, you can do so, I will also ask the animal to elaborate if I am not satisfied with the answer. Please keep in mind that they may not want to answer at certain times - and I will let you know that there is no answer.

I am your telephone, where I can help decipher what is being said, I will do so, but it is ultimately up to the parent to decipher. Some information that comes through my communication will be understood by you right away, BUT it is also important to note that there will be some information that you may not understand straight away, this is usually clarified later on in time after you have processed the communication, or a family member might know what was meant by certain comments and observations – I have had human parents contact me months after a communication saying that they eventually figured out what was meant by certain things that the animal meant. I always recommend that you take screenshots or transcribe the communication for later reference should things not make sense.
I can also run an optional Body Scan during a session on animals that have not crossed (this is not always available). This is just done to check the overall health of the animal. This must be requested during the communication.