How Does Animal Communication work? 

Animals are usually happy to share how they feel, whether they are scared, happy, confused or just trying to explain what they need. We can also often communicate with those animals that have crossed over Rainbow Bridge.
Animals have different and unique viewpoints, insights and wisdom that they love to share with us, and often not only assist in helping us improve their lives, but also our own lives.
Animal communication works using telepathy, an intuitive gift and ability. Telepathy is the ability to know what is in the animal’s mind or communicate with them mentally, without using words or other physical signals. Using telepathy, an animal communicator can give the animal a voice to start resolving any problems that they may have.
We gather the information that we relay from the animals to the humans during communication by utilising the avenues that our intuition uses to communicate with us, known in psychic circles as the “eight clairs", here are some examples of these intuitions:
Clairsentience – Sensing things such as a gut feeling and receiving information that can strongly sense physical feelings from animals. Such as “body scanning” to see where an animal has pain, or other problems such as nausea, heart issues, etc.
Clairaudience – Receiving information by hearing words, sounds or sentences. Hearing traffic and music and the actual voice of the animal when they have a true and specific message to relay.
Clairalience - Smelling a specific scent, such as food being cooked or fresh grass that has been mowed. For instance, smelling rotting wood in the yard where a cat likes to hang out.
Clairgustance - Tasting something without having that item in your mouth. I once communicated with a cat who didn’t feel well, while I was talking with the cat, I started tasting grass, it turned out that the cat needed grass because he wasn’t an outdoor cat, after telling his human mom that he wanted grass, she went out and got some grass for him, which he promptly ate.
Clairvoyance – Used to 'see' things in their mind about other people, places or things, seeing images that the animal is showing. I once saw a large concrete wall with a specific looking large tree where a dog had gone missing. This allowed the search party to find the dog in the area described.
Clairgocnisance – Knowing and intuition, receiving information that just comes to you as a knowing, as if it just appeared in your thoughts then you are receiving, this information resonates as accurate about a person, place, situation or object.
Clairempathy - Feeling the emotions of the animals, such as grief, annoyance, sorrow, happiness or anxiety. I have communicated with animals who have gone into mourning to assist them and even chatted with a bearded dragon who had a bad attitude and wanted his owners to “stop speaking to him like a baby”.
Clairtangency - Picking up an object that belonged to an animal and receive information about them. (I do not use this method during my animal communications)